Toward Artificial Sapience
Written by Ricardo Sanz   
Tuesday, 11 December 2007

We have just published a chapter titled A Real-Time Agent System Perspective of Meaning and Sapience, in the book Toward Artificial Sapience of Mayorga and Perlovsky.

Wisdom and sapience have been traditionally considered desirable traits in humans, but the use of the terms is decaying perhaps due to a raising relativism that lessens the value of others’ knowledge. This chapter proposes an interpretation of sapi- ence in terms of meaning generation and knowledge exploitation in social groups of knowledge-based agents. Sapient agents are able to generate useful meanings for other agents beyond their own capability of generation of self-meanings. This makes sapient agents specially valuable entities in agent societies because they provide interagent re- liable third-person meaning generation that provides some functional redundancy that contributes to enhance individual and social robustness and global performance. This chapter describes some musings concerning sapience and meaning generation in the context os the ASys Theory of autonomous cognitive systems.